
do we play the game, or does it play us?

Corporate-Educational Complex

Apr 22, 2024

If the universities are the temples, the corporations are its priests....

McKinsey Comes to Town

Apr 15, 2024

Senior year, McKinsey and Goldman Sachs came calling. They didn't come through the usual channels that companies approached Stanford. They didn't show up at the c...

Diverse Conformity

Apr 11, 2024

Stanford trumpets its diversity. But it's really the conformity that matters....

Hiding Behind Reality

Apr 8, 2024

There was something unreal about Stanford. Something that made it feel not part of this world....

Trials of Admission

Apr 1, 2024

All tribes have trials. We just call ours college admissions....

A Religion By Any Other Name

Mar 25, 2024

All we've done done is swap out our old religion for a new one....

The Art of Bullshit

Mar 21, 2024

What we learned at Stanford – what we really learned – was how to bullshit. This is so much more than simply making things up. It’s an elevated form of psychological man...

Groupthink & Elite Culture

Mar 18, 2024

My whole life, I’ve been something of an outsider. Growing up, I never had more than a handful of friends. I wasn’t an outcast. People didn’t make an effort to exclude me...

What Colleges Really Teach

Mar 14, 2024

I returned to Stanford, intent on understanding this world that I had been so wrong about. While at Chicago, I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that I’d run away from s...

Truth of Academia

Mar 11, 2024

Faith in something doesn’t collapse all at once. It erodes in bits and chunks, like icebergs breaking off the coast of Antarctica. At Stanford, my faith in the way of th...

Leaving Stanford

Mar 7, 2024

None of this was what I expected. Looking back, it seems naive to say it, but the truth is that I believed truly that I would find a group of peers at Stanford, who cared...

The Ducks of Stanford University

Mar 4, 2024

Why did the kids I met at Stanford pretend to be perfect?...

Orientation Week

Mar 1, 2024

When I arrived at Stanford, I thought I’d meet the best and the brightest. That was not what I found....

Initiation Night

Feb 27, 2024

The chanting began a little before midnight....

The Kid Who Was Good at Math

Sep 26, 2023

There once was a kid who was good at math. In reality, there wasn't anything special about this. He just liked numbers, the way other kids like balls or dirt. One a...

Princeton, the Temple

May 3, 2023

Stepping inside the temple gates of Princeton University, I felt an ancient feeling, as the world melted away....

The Very Human Need for Religion

Apr 28, 2023

Deep in the Australian Outback, Emile Durkheim figured out why humans need religion....

Halo of Prestige

Apr 27, 2023

Like many kids, I chased prestige my whole life. But what exactly is it?...

Match This Pattern

Apr 24, 2023

In third grade I took an IQ test that changed my life....

Truth in the Bathtub

Apr 19, 2023

From childhood to adulthood to old age to death. This was the moment I realized that everyone dies....